Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Broad Wing Hawk - WBW

From BloggerPicsJune2011

From BloggerPicsJune2011

This juvenile Broad - Wing Hawk was hanging outside the office , a parent calling in the distance.


Julie G. said...

Stunning crisp images of this juvenile! So pretty against the blue sky and green tree leaves. Great find!

grammie g said...

A real beauty so well captured!!
Sharp and clear..nice!

Anna said...

Great shots....I usually see these birds high above me in migration, and have yet to capture a good perched shot!

Hilke Breder said...

How exciting, having this beautiful young hawk right in front of your office. You got a beautiful shot!!

Springman said...

Wonderful captures Dan. Lucky you were with camera! I hope your readers are clicking to enlarge!

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful shots! crystal clear!

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

what a beautiful sight from your office window!! gorgeous hawk and awesome shots!! wow!!

mick said...

Great photos of the young hawk.

cindyzlogic said...

What a beautiful creature!! Outstanding shots, Dan!!

Fjällripan said...

What a luck to get to see the hawk so close and even better to get such great photos! Beautiful!

Unknown said...

Wonderful photos! A treat to see them. :)

theconstantwalker said...

A beautiful bird to see.
Your images are stunning...

Dan Huber said...

wow, thank you all so much. very kind words from all of you. :)


Neil said...

Beautiful bird great photos.

Anonymous said...

I have yet to capture a hawk "in the box". Excellent!

Sondra said...

Congrats --- wonderful photos!!

Larry said...

those photos are sweeet! Nicely done.I wouldn't know the id of the hawk without really looking into it.